treatment of childhood obesity

Harvest the 2015 nutrition: nutritional trends and news

We offer you the following nutritional harvest for the year 2015, the most important nutritional trends and news, and the latest scientific studies and highlighted!
By the end of this year we will feed you to the most important nutritional trends and news for 2015, and the latest scientific studies has regarding the world of nutrition and that may constitute a central and fundamental change and may require steps and preventive measures and operational.

Sign the multiplication of obesity by 2025

According to a report published by the World Association for World Federation Obesity obesity, it is expected that the proportion of obesity by approximately 4% in 2025 unless Governments take action and serious interventions for problem solving, statistics published in today's world of obesity, estimates and forecasts to hit nearly 117 million adults around the world in obesity during the next 10 years.

Hence the recommendations of the need for preventive and therapeutic interventions and actions by authorities and institutions to reduce these increases.

795 million people suffer from malnutrition, according to the State of food insecurity in the world of 2015

Steady decline in the rate of hunger around the world by the food and Agriculture Organization FAO, especially in developing countries. The number of hungry people fell by 167 million in the last 10 years, the number of persons suffering from under-nutrition nearly 795 million people around the world.

According to the monitoring of the Millennium development goals, it is not achieving the target on halving the proportion of hungry people in the developing regions as planned lhobma approximately 50% by the end of 2015, with a small percentage, but it has been achieved in 72 out of country, 129 such as: Latin America, Southeast Asia, Northern and Western Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia, and East Asia.

World Health Day for 2015 on the topic of food safety

Highlighted by the World Health Organization WHO focus on global health 2015 on the topic of food safety, considered important and essential element for global health, agricultural and economic development. In order to achieve the Millennium development goals set out in the agenda of the nutrition and food security for after 2015.

She pointed out that food safety problems may pose danger to groups with HIV vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, the elderly, and the deterioration of level of health and well-being, increased malnutrition, and imposing social and economic losses to the health aspect.

And the World Health Organization will focus on awareness raising on the issue of preventive interventions with regard to food safety, and ensure the appropriate distribution of food and its availability, quality and safety to combat hunger in the world, and strengthening food safety role in contributing to the improvement of the nutritional status and reduction of communicable diseases and infections, diseases and others.

Antioxidants may increase the risk of some cancers

In recent studies the shocking results, he found that some kinds of antioxidants may raise the risk of some cancers, and increases the chances of proliferation and accelerated growth! This is confirmed in a study conducted by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, which found a relationship between antioxidants and increase the chances of skin cancer and increase opportunities for its growth and spread. She is somewhat similar to a study conducted in 2014 by sahlgrenska Academy, Sahlgrenska Academy, which indicated a relationship between antioxidant intake and the development of lung cancer. In another study to 36.000 man found a relationship between intake of vitamin E in the form of a food supplement and a higher risk of prostate cancer by 17%.

Thus the recommendations on this subject, that cancer patients avoid consuming supplements containing antioxidants, and underrepresented in the daily used products such as cosmetics, skincare and cosmetics that may contain.

World Health Organization Declaration that processed meats carcinogen

The results published by the International Agency for research on cancer of the World Health Organization, explaining that processed meats such as sausages walmertdila are carcinogens, and daily intake 50 g of processed meat raises the risk of colon and rectal cancer by almost 18%. And predicted in their report that approximately 34.000 deaths from cancer worldwide could be due to a diet rich in processed meat, and this Agency has called for the need to define the quantity covered them with the importance of a healthy diet.

Meats cooked with actual temperatures increase the risk of cancer

In a study published in the journal Cancer, found that consuming a diet rich in meat cooked using high temperatures raise the risk of cancer, particularly kidney cancer known as renal cell carcinoma. So the fact that meat presented to flame and temperatures meat produce carcinogenic chemicals.

Coffee in moderation prolongs life

In addition to coffee, features a huge study was duration of 30 years and published in the journal Circulation, showed the existence of the role of coffee in longevity, the coffee as no more than five cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and even suicide.

Discovery with vegetables kill breast cancer cells

The results of a recent study released by the University of Missouri "University of Missouri" in Colombia, it turns out that green vegetables and some herbaceous plants such as parsley, spinach, contain naturally substance known as litiolin luteolin takil as an antidote to the tumors and slow the progression of breast cancer and thus killing him, especially the type of breast cancer resulting from the use of hormone replacement therapy.

Grilled potatoes, toast, raise the risk of cancer

In a warning issued by the FSA, the British food standards agency, about the fact that all of the baked potato and bread Bacon charged

Diet to maintain heart health and obesity


If obesity and excess weight causes heart disease, it appears that we can protect our hearts from these diseases through correct diet and health
Excess weight constitutes a nuisance aesthetically. But the most serious problem is not that we see, but inherent in the effect of food and obesity on our health. Lead food rich in fats and carbohydrates to high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and level alghlisiridat triglycerides (TG) and low level of good cholesterol (HDL).

In addition, food affects blood glucose levels and the risk of diabetes. Eating habits also affect the risk of high blood pressure. All these factors, in addition to the obesity-especially those that focus on the abdominal region-are factors that affect the potential occurrence of hardening of the arteries (Atherosclerosis), which is a risk factor for heart disease.

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, we must pay attention to limit consumption of foods that increase the risk of heart disease:

-Balkolisterol rich foods, saturated fats and trans fats (TRANS), directly affect the high level of cholesterol in the blood.

-Cholesterol in foods exists is originally from animals such as: egg yolk (recommended 2-3 week), internal organs, fatty beef, lamb, goose, duck, sausage, sausage, skin and fat.

-Dairy products containing more than 5% FAT: butter, cream, ice cream, cheese, etc.

-Saturated fats present in foods of plant origin: India coconut, coconut oil and palm oil India. Where the level of LDL walghlisiridat oils, and lead to lower cholesterol mstoui good.

-Trans fats (TRANS) is oily vegetarian food industries are converted to fatty substances. Found in foods such as: margarine, pastry, pies, cakes and snacks. Recommend eating less than 1% of trans fats through food.

-Foods rich in salts-sodium in salt to the pool of bulk and high blood pressure. Therefore it is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt and salt-rich foods such as hard cheeses, canned, pickled vegetables (olives) and processed meats.

-Hyper starches and sugars-leads to high blood glucose, and high levels of triglycerides and weight gain alghlisiridat. Starches and sugars are found in sugar, of course, as well as in sweets, fruit juices, sweetened beverages

  • True to list your food fortification to foods that reduce the risk of heart disease:

Unsaturated fats-contains fatty acids that the body cannot produce them. And there are two types:

Omega-6 – recommended identification of its consumption quantity between one tablespoon or 2 teaspoons Max per day. Because Hyper Omega 6 reduces good cholesterol level, for oxidation and increases the infection. This article present in seeds, sunflower, soya, and mayonnaise.

Omega 3-reduce amount of trios alghlisirid, reduce high blood pressure, improves cardiac performance. Found primarily in sea fish: mackerel, herring, and sardines. In plants found in: nuts, seeds, flax oil, canola oil, vegetables, and green leaves.

Monounsaturated fat – leading to higher quality and lower cholesterol. It is also considered an anti-oxidant. Found in the following foods: olive oil, canola, avocado,tahini, walnuts, Pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios and cashews. All reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Recommend making it part of your daily diet – especially 2-3 teaspoons olive oil.

The importance of consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, and groups of 5 colors.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. In cases of excess weight, height, and higher levels of diabetes alghlisirid trios-recommended reducing the consumption of sugar-rich fruit.

Whole grains: wheat, hulled grains, oatmeal, rye, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, rice, maizefull. As well as legumes: chickpeas, beans, soy, peas, and lentils. In addition to foods rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Fiber contributes to reduce cholesterol level and blood pressure, blood sugar balance, and prevent constipation.

Summary of topic: you must first maintain proper body weight. In addition:

Consumption of cholesterol, saturated fat and trans.
Monounsaturated fat preference.
Increased consumption of Omega-3.
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables – from 5 color combinations
Eat more whole grains and beans.
Reduce consumption of salt and salt-rich foods.
Reducing the consumption of sugar and sweets.
A lot of water.
Reduce drink sugary drinks.
And exercise regularly.

causes of childhood obesity

The definition of an infected human obesity, is the man who owns the fatty tissue and the value of body mass index (BMI) has over 30. The BMI is an index measuring weightcompared with height. You may have excess adipose tissue, serious health consequences, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high levels of lipids in the blood.

Obesity is one of the most common medical conditions in Western society today, the most difficult in terms of the treatment of obesity. Not, relatively speaking, achieved little progress in the treatment of obesity (except lifestyle change), but many were gathering information about the medical consequences of obesity status.

Causes and risk factors of obesity

Obesity was until recently associated with the lifestyle of lazy (sitting) and excess consumption of calories. But today, it is known that obesity causes this task, but there are also genetic factors play a role in the different incidence of obesity.

As proof, I have adopted children see plumper style corresponds to the pattern that we are seeing their parents biologists, more that we see to the adoptive parents. The research also showed the twins identical, having the effect of genetic factors on the body mass index is greater than the impact of environmental factors.

The estimate is that it could be attributed because between 40%-70% of hereditary factors, obesity, and not the environmental factors or lifestyle.

The research also showed that mice, five genes linked to appetite, these genes lead to obesity. These genes are present also in humans. One of the key genetic factors in obesity, is hormone leptin (Leptin).

Today, believe that obesity is a combination of specific genes, not only as a result of a defect in a single gene. The increase in obesity in recent decades, primarily due to environmental influence, such as lifestyle and dietary habits.